Spice up your spice life!

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Anyone who knows me knows I can be a bit particular – I really dislike when things look and feel unorganized.  So once I got my cricut one of the first things I wanted to do was tackle my spice cupboard.  I absolutely LOVE the way it turned out!

OK, so I know logically my before picture is still decently organized however I hated the haphazard look of all different spice containers. 

So organized – this makes my heart happy!

What you need:


  1. Matching spice containers: I got mine at Dollarama (3 to a package!) so head to your local dollar store or check amazon.
  2. Tiered organizerthis is the one I have. The key is to measure the cupboard you are keeping your spices to maximize the space.  Think vertical! 
  3. Permanent vinyl (I use oracle 651)
  4. Rubbing alcohol, weeding tool, transfer tape and a scraper
  5. Cricut (Interested in buying a Cricut? Check out our Cricut buying guide in Canada)
  6. TIP: If you don’t have a Cricut try using clear labels and a printer!  You will get a very similar result

How to make:

  1. Inventory your spices – take the opportunity to get rid of old or unused spices!
  2. Measure your spice containers to see how big your labels can be. 
  3. TIP: It is important to scale your font to the longest spice name you have to make sure it fits!
  4. Pick a size and font: I took my inspiration from one of the cricut ready to make projects and used ‘street sign’ font size 22
  5. Print your labels and weed
  6. Clean the outside of the jar with rubbing alcohol before adhering the label
  7. Transfer your spices
  8. Enjoy!

Happy Organizing!


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1 thought on “Spice up your spice life!”

  1. My Dear Jo,

    HELP ME SPICE UP MY SPICE LIFE! I’m not kidding…my spice cabinet looks like a spice bomb went off.
    Next project???


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